Who We Are

logo1 - Who We Are

I am Stephanie Ray and I dare to say that I am a feminist. It’s my strong belief that the world must start appreciating the role of women in society. We need to be seen as equal partners to men by getting the same level of education, equal treatment at work, at school and at home, and getting the same pay for the same amount of work that we do and so on. It’s this desire that inspired me to start Olympia BDS where we advocate for the human rights of women in society.

We encourage women of all ages to begin playing an active role in advocating for their equal treatment in society, be it at home, at school or at work. Over the past couple of centuries, women have always been disadvantaged because of retrogressive cultural practices that ended up becoming a norm. It never really matters whichever part of the world they are in, how developed or underdeveloped it is, the situation for women is always the same, and this is what our team at Olympia BDS seeks to change.

Through harnessing girl power from women all over the world, we believe that we can make a difference by making society to finally see and appreciate our critical role and value as women. Therefore, if you are a woman out there or even a man who appreciates the value of women in society, we welcome you to join our cause.

Work with us to transform the world.

Thank you!